Saturday, August 31, 2019

How to Read like a Professor

Blake Allen How to Read Literature like a Professor Foster Allen Introduction memory symbol pattern These basic examples of literary analysis can be found in most literature from Lice's Adventures in Wonderland to Paper town. Every Trip is a Quest â€Å"a sequester, a place to go, a stated reason, challenges and trials en route, and a real reason† real reason is always self-knowledge In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo goes to the Caplet party because his friends dragged him along but the real reason was so that he could meet Juliet. Nice to eat with you â€Å"whenever people eat or drink together, it's communion† nominally of everyone is food †¦ ND death/life In The Great Gatsby when Tom Buchanan takes Nick Caraway out to drink with his friends, we learn just how pubic Tom's life really is. Nice to eat You Vampires: selfishness, exploitation, a refusal to respect the autonomy of other people Ghosts and vampires are never only about ghosts and vampires older figure represen ting corrupt values; virginal female; strapping her youth, energy, virtue; continuance of life for the old male; death/destruction of female In The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chlorinating can be considered a vampire haunting Hester.He wants revenge for his wife's betrayal. He is a scholar and uses his knowledge to disguise himself as a doctor, intent on discovering and tormenting Hester anonymous lover instead of revealing himself for years. Where have I seen Her Before â€Å"there's no such thing as a wholly original work of literature† â€Å"there's only one story† Character's must be great in their own right before being compared to more famous characters I connect Jane Ere to Hester from The Scarlet Letter because while both Characters can stand tall on their own they desire a man to stand with them and for them.It's from Shakespeare Even in just everyday speech we use Shakespeare- â€Å"To thin own self be true† sounds smarter, gives authority In the film  "Band of Brothers† the Saint Crisping Day Speech from Henry V becomes the inspiration for the squad to carry on. â€Å"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers† Or The Bible Innocence, The Fall, serpents, apples, gardens,†¦ Timelessness, archetypal In Everlasting Tuck there are several times when a character is led only by a mysterious fire in the distance much like the Israelites were led in the exodus of Egypt.Handled and Graduated Kid stories build the basis of our themes Their usually about morals Sleeping Beauty can be interpreted to mean a girl avoiding growing up by sleeping until a prince comes to â€Å"rescue† her from childhood. It's Greek to Me myth is a body of story that matters-patterns common to usual life Johnny Terrain, a character set after Paul Revere, had an â€Å"Achilles heal† that has crippled so many characters and people alike; Fear. Even when a trust- worthy doctor offers to fix his injured hand, he is too afraid to admit th e truth of how he injured himself.More than Just Rain It's never just rain-cleansing, death, rebirth, desolation, replenishment†¦ Jane Ere is always the personification of the weather, whether its a cloudy foreshadowing or a red dawn behind a burning castle. Never Stand Next to the Hero action always leads to change-grow, learn, mature Characters are not people†¦ They are products of writers and readers imagination Charge of the Light Brigade depicts a loyal brigade that, even when it is clear that they are going to die, give their lives when their leader is given a mistaken order to charge on. .. More than It's Ghana Hurt You Character caused-shooting, stabbing, bombing†¦ (moves plot) Author caused-meaning behind shooting stabbing†¦ Meaning behind) When Jeanie has to shoot Tea Cake in Their eyes were Watching God she waited until he tried to shoot her four times, as the first three were blanks it didn't entirely set in too her that it was her life or Tea Cakes a nd the fact that she waited for the fourth shot may have meant she wanted to die with tea cake then live without him.It's All Political Political writing-writing that engages the realities of its world A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist are strong examples of the depiction of the need for public services in 1 sass England She's a Christ figure, too mounded hands, feet, side, self-sacrifice, good with children, carpenter, forgiving, redeemer†¦ Gangland in Lord of the Rings can be a Christ figure because he scarifies himself with his arms out stretched to save the world from the wrath of Sorry and is resurrected to continue to help Bilbo Basins destroy the ring.Flights of Fancy Flight is Freedom irony trumps everything In the The myth of Deals and Cirrus, Deals made wings for himself and his son but his sun flew to high and was burnt up by the sun, Apollo, then he fell into the ocean. It's All about Sex.. Nothing isn't a sex implication In Jane Ere she is often depicted in relati on to wide rolling landscapes while inside the tall towering castle of Edward Rochester. †¦Except Sex Sex is about pleasure, love, sacrifice, and/or submission When Jeanie first discovers sex under the pear tree feels sets a standard of love for the rest of her life and compares all men to her first time Geography matters†¦ Where? -location in relation to hills, valleys, chasms, mountains, seas, islands, people, north, south, east, west space taken up or empty when writers send characters south, it's So they can run amok The location OfGenie's home throughout the book gives a relation of how society saw her status; the average life at nanny's and Logan Clicks were ground level homes, at Judo's, her room was on the second story of her home so that even when she slept she was above the townspeople, and with Tea Cake she was below sea-level as she and tea cake didn't own anything. †¦So Does Season New life, adulthood, harvest, death spring, summer, fall, winter In Jane E re, the â€Å"death-white realms† of the arctic that Beck describes is death to a girl aching for freedom Marked for Greatness When a character is flawed, physically or otherwise, it is often a mark that will lead to fame even if it's in infamy. Cackles heal, perhaps the most well known flaw of Greek tragedy, caused the sudden, dramatic downfall of one of the greatest heroes of literature.He's blind for a reason mammalian Jones principle': if you want your audience to know something important about your character, introduce it early/' A character may chose to ignore or may be ignorant of clearly known facts to the reader: this is blindness Jeanie forces herself to not see the sickness Tea Cake has until he rises to shot her the fourth time and she knows that she cannot ignore that life is really threatened. It's Never Just a Heart Disease Illness is usually a physical manifestation of inner struggle or pain. 1. Not all diseases are equal 2. It should be picturesque 3. Hysteri cs origin 4. Strong symbolical potential On his death bed, Joe Starks says he did everything he did for Jeanie so that when he was gone she would inherit all he obtain so that she could sit the â€Å"high-throne† he built for her even after his death. Don't Read With Your Eyes Analyze with your brain, read through their eyes; see what they see and know hat you know Can this person be saved In Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet, when both Romeo and Juliet see that their respective lover is dead they both personally decide that life sin ‘t worth the living.This is a particular contrast in Romeo, as at the beginning, Romeo was in deep grief over another girl but not to the point of suicide. It's my Symbol and I'll cry if I Want too use what you know, every work teaches us how to read it as we go along, you know more than you think you do Everything is a symbol In Animal Farm there is symbolism in the windmill. The windmill represents the exploitation of the dim-witted animals by the pigs.As the pigs feast, learn, and keep warm most of the animals are starving, have given up on learning and are freezing but never do they question the pigs because when they complete the mill they will have all of that. Is He Serious? And Other Ironies irony gives a second, third†¦. Layer to text irony may not work for everyone: some miss it The irony of Animal Farm is that, though the animals had revolted due to unfair treatment by humans, in the end the majority were worse off than ever before.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Problem with Evil Existence of God

Today the news is filled with coverage on various natural catastrophes and other related causalities that people face daily. Anyone can look into their lives or even their neighbors and see the presence of misfortune that surrounds our world. This problem has brought up the issue of God’s existence in religious philosophical discussions. For centuries, many have tried to dismiss the existence of God on the basis of the existence of evil. Let’s consider where God has been placed in people’s lives throughout our history. For the Greeks and Romans gods were thought to personify wisdom, war, and other actions that human beings took (Spitzer 5). As knowledge continued to progress god was thought to live in heaven, beyond the realm of the planets. He was believed to have created life thousands of years ago. Soon as human knowledge progressed even further we’ve learned about the Big Bang, DNA, and evolution (Spitzer 14). It seems that the more humans know, the further back God gets pushed. Often, it appears as if humans use God as a placeholder for the unknown, but as we learn more, he gets redefined. Philosophers question whether or not there can be a wholly good God that would create such a world where evil exists. This pursuit is known as the problem of evil. â€Å"According to the ‘problem of evil’, the extent of evils in the world seems to conflict with the existence of an omniscient, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent God. Theodicy is a study where theists are able to get together and make their arguments disclosing information on the compatibility between God and evil. This seems to be one of the most perplexing problems theists have to face. In today's world, there are many differing opinions as to whether a God exists or not. This obviously has been an issue of great controversy because many people worship different gods or no god at all. I will define theodicy; discuss the conflict between an omniscient God and the existence of evil, and touch on free will and how it plays into natural and moral evil. Theodicy is the branch of theology that defends God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil (dictionary. com). Theodicy is a term hat comes from the Greek words theos meaning God and dike meaning righteous. The basic form of theodicy involves these assumptions that God is all good and powerful therefore he is all knowing and that the universe was made by God and does it exist in a contingent relationship to God. Also the assumption of the existence of evil and why. (Mackie 150) This suggests that if God is all good and powerful he would choose to eliminate such evils. In the case of God being all good but not all powerful he may be unable to intervene in the evils of this world. Or if God was just all powerful and not all good one must assume he has a malicious side to him to allow all this evil. Assuming that God is all these things both powerful and good if the universe doesn’t exist in a contingent relationship to God then he has little to do with the evil. With this being said still leaves the question â€Å"why does evil exist†? The basic approaches to theodicy can be said to take three forms: logical/deductive, evidential/inductive, and existential. The logical problem of evil is a deductive one. If God is said to be all good, all powerful, and all knowing why should evil exist. Is it rational to believe in the existence of God? This is Mackie’s formulation of the problem God exists, is all good, all knowing, and all powerful. Such a being has no limits to its ability. A good being will always eliminate all the evil that it can. Evil exists, so God must not (Theodicy Overview). You can agree with the first two statements, but one might argue the third statement by making the point that a good being will always eliminate all the evil that it can unless it has good reason to allow that evil. Therefore, a modified version of Mackie’s argument looks like this: â€Å"If God exists, then there is no evil, unless there is a reason that would justify Him in permitting it. Evil exists. There is no reason that would justify God to permit evil. So, God does not exist (Theodicy Overview). † The intention behind this argument is to show that God is justified in permitting evil. The evidential problem of evil admits that God and the existence of evil are logically compatible, the concept of good and bad are known to go together. Considering the amount or various kinds of evil in the world conclude as vidence against the existence of God. This approach argues that because of the large amounts of evil in the world and the existence of unjustified evil the belief in God is not plausible. We assume that God would refuse to allow such evils to exist that fail in appearance to have any good purpose. Here are examples of these objections. â€Å"It seems that God could have eliminated more evil in the world and still accomplished the divine purposes (Matson 145). † â€Å"Is such a God who does things this way worthy of worship, and therefore, plausible (Matson 145)? With little evidence it’s hard to prove or disprove if something exists. Dealing with a being such as God we may not always be able to understand his reasoning for allowing such evils and will not always see his greater purpose for his divine moral teachings. The existential approach often referred to as the religious approach to the problem of evil is the concept of why the suffering is happening to a certain individual and why at this time or place in this individual’s life. Theodicy is now seen as practical more concerned with providing answers for those who suffer in specific circumst ances. It is often that the existential approach turns from asking why God would allow such evils to happen to instead how one can go to God in search for him to help relieve them of their problems and find ways to make suffering and evil more tolerable. The focus is on how believers should respond to God during their tribulations for example turning to faith, testimony, and worship. This is an overview on theodicy and introduces some of the main concepts that sets its foundation. Now the conflict between an omniscient God and the existence of evil seems to get very complicated. God is referred to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent simultaneously. If God is omnipotent this means he has power over anything and everything. If God is omniscient this means he is aware of all things that occur and if he is omnibenevolent this means he is wholly good. It would seem rational to believe that an omnibenevolent God would be of nature to relieve suffering wherever it is happening (Swinburne 67). An omniscient God would know when people are suffering, how they are suffering, and how that suffering may be relieved. An omnipotent God has the power to alleviate those who are suffering from their sufferings. So why does God allow evil to exist? Maybe God allows evil to exist because it is necessary for some greater good. For example, when a parent gives a child bad tasting medicine or has the child undergo painful surgery. From the child’s perspective they would feel as if they were being punished for something or enduring a form of evil. When this isn’t the case at all the parent is only looking out for the child’s best interest (Swinburne 100). The child shows ignorance of the parent’s reasoning for forcing him/her to undergo the temporary pain and so the child finds this treatment unjust when in actuality it isn’t. Perhaps we can use the metaphor of the child's perception of his parent's action to God and our perception of his creation of evil. â€Å"For we cannot deny that some good the child's mind cannot even conceive may justify the parents in permitting the child to suffer. And by analogy, won't the same be true of God in relation to us as his children (Theodicy Overview)? † This can conclude that we are sometimes unable to see the bigger picture of God’s purpose when it comes to human suffering. God may be teaching us the secrets behind the moral code. Like what is just and in just. We are being taught moral responsibilities and moral traits to help us reach a greater good that God possibly has in store for our lives. Some still argue that this isn’t the case at all. There are still many evils that don’t necessarily seem to produce any good or help in the counter-balance between good and evil. One incident that comes to mind is the Holocaust. It was a horrific period of time in our history where genocide occurred. It is hard to believe that an all-powerful and all-knowing God would become powerless in preventing the nightmare in Auschwitz. Also if God is omnibenevolent we would ponder on the question how can he let something so malice take place on innocent lives? Is it reasonable to believe that all evils can be explained to where they occur to result in a greater good and that we are somehow unable to always make sense of why such and such thing are happening? It is possible that a massacre shooting at a school resulting in the death of many young lives may serve to promote a greater good, but it doesn’t seem likely. Now there is a distinction between the good parent and the good God. In such cases where a child is undergoing pain which they are incapable of understanding the parent is there to reassure them of their love and give them useful insight on better understanding their situation and what it is their going through. There are numerous people who go through prolonged suffering who are consciously unaware of God’s presence. Going back to the incidents that occurred in Auschwitz it is unlikely that the majority of prisoners felt God’s love and reassurance. They most likely felt abandoned and un-loved. Many would have to question where was God during this time and what type of parent does this make him. It appears that God acted like a negligent parent with a cold heart. With that being said we can make the assumption that God doesn’t exist or the good-parent analogy fails. This argument that God allows evil to exist to show us the greater good seems to be implausible due to the fact that such horrendous evils fail to show the greater good they are meant to produce. There are two basic forms of evil which are natural and moral. Natural evil is when the world experiences suffering caused by disease, earthquakes, floods, crashes, and so on. Moral evil is when someone chooses to act ill-mannered based on human will. Now natural evil can’t be prevented and is easily misunderstood to why God allows such natural disasters to occur. Where moral evil is based upon each individual and their code of ethics, how they differentiate right from wrong. Some argue that God punishes people based on their actions because we have the ability to choose what’s good and what’s bad. This is where the free-will defense can cover moral evil, but it fails to cover natural evil. It is believed that God created man to possess free-will allowing him the freedom of choice. With the freedom of choice there becomes conflict when you have to make the decision between right and wrong. The fact that we have been taught to know what is right should benefit us when it comes to making the better decision, but that isn’t always the case. Due to the various temptations we have in our society many of us continue to fall short of the moral code. If God has made men such that in their free choices they sometimes prefer what is good and sometimes what is evil, why could he not have made men such that they always freely choose the good (Mackie 164)? † It is easy to assume that such a being as God would want his creation to be wholly good like him, but this isn’t the case at all. Some argue that if God was to have created us to always freely choose good we wouldnâ €™t be entirely entitled to freedom. If we were being forced to choose one way or the other we wouldn’t be choosing freely. Without the ability to choose what is wrong we would no longer have to worry about greed, lust, violence, and other evils because they would no longer be a choice of ours. â€Å"We would be free from temptations and only have innocent inclinations, and so could not exemplify the moral value of resisting and overcoming temptations to do wrong (Mackie 165). † In conclusion, I do believe in the rationality behind the existence of God. Just because there is a problem with evil and a disagreement to why God would allow such evils to exist I feel there is a greater purpose behind Gods plan. The evils that are apparent in our society today teaches us the value of morals and the importance in having them. We are able to step outside ourselves and our heart goes out to those we see suffering from deprivation all around the world. The idea of God being omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent while there is an existence of evil seems to be problematic unless you can believe in the fact that it is possible we are incapable of comprehending all it is God is trying to teach us. For God to be unwilling to remove the devastation in this world there would have to be good reasoning behind all of this. To believe in God you are exercising your ability to have faith in a higher power. You are choosing to believe in something that has yet to be proven into existence. Faith is known to be very important to God and it is through the trials and tribulations you turn your faith towards God in search of comfort and understanding. I do believe that during the hard times God waits for us to turn to him and trust in him that he has the ability to mitigate all our problems. It is necessary to experience or witness evils in the world because it is a way for us to build our faith and come into a closer connection with God. By God creating us having free-will this allows us to choose from what is good and what is evil. We are able to establish morals and learn the virtues of life. The great thing about this is that these lessons only come if we choose to learn them. It is our choice what we allow to dictate our lives. I believe if we are ever going to be able to see or comprehend what God’s divine purpose is for allowing such evils to exist we need to become more like him. Abiding by the laws of God is an option , a choice that he has left up to us.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Impact of the Stamp Act on the American Revolution

The Impact of the Stamp Act on the American Revolution The Stamp Act was essentially a tax on all printed materials and commercial documents. This also included newspapers, pamphlets, bills, legal documents, licenses, almanacs, dice, and playing cards. These materials had to carry a special stamp which needed to be purchased. This tax, along with the Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act, made up the Intolerable Acts.The Stamp Act was created to help cover the 10,000 soldiers left in the colonies after the French and Indian War. The war had put Britain over ? 130,000,000 by 1764. It was created by George Grenville and went into effect on November 1, 1765. This was the first direct tax imposed on the colonists by the British. When news of the Stamp Act reached the colonies in May, the Virginia House of Burgesses stayed in session to pass a set of resolutions protesting the tax.More newspapers throughout the col onies circulated Virginia’s Resolves. As it made its way around the colonies, resolutions grew more numerous and radical. Massachusetts’s legislature circulated a call for a unified response. In October 1765, 27 delegates from 9 colonies met in New York City. This group came to be known as the Stamp Act Congress. On October 19th, the congress adopted 14 resolutions. These resolutions were then forwarded on to the King and the Parliament. It was repealed on March 18, 1766.This was the same day the Declaratory Act passes. This act gave Parliament the right to make any law for the colonies. Unrest in the colonies died down after the Stamp Act was repealed, but the committees that it had created remained. These committees included the Committees of Correpondence, Sons of Liberty, and the boycotts were refined and used later to protest future British taxes. These acts along with the issue of taxation without representation led to the American Revolution.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management reprt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management reprt - Essay Example After this process, and through experience, now they already know who the best is and they buy only from them. Concurrently, the manager also noted that some of the sellers are actually friends with people that work at the restaurant. They purchase ingredients, such as meat, fish, vegetables and other fresh stuff, on a daily basis at local Indian/Bengali shops. Accordingly, there are plenty of them in the neighbourhood, as there are 50 Indian, Bengali, Thai, and Asian restaurants in this area. So they tested different suppliers and chose the best ones. It was emphasized that it took years of experience. Now, the Cinnamon Brick Lane Restaurant is acknowledged to be the best, legendary, and renowned. The standard of quality also means possessing secret recipes appreciated by the worlds best chefs. 2 The fact that food critics who graced the restaurant provided exemplary reviews evidently indicates that the establishment is viewed as one that serves high quality food, diverse menus and exemplary service. The official restaurant’s website cited the results from two of the food critics who visited their establishment that: â€Å"Among our many accolades include food critic and Michelin chef Pat Chapman, in the Cobra Good Food Guide, and Humayun Khan - from TANDOORI MAGAZINE, who gave rave reviews on his last visit to Cinnamon for his favourite dish, the LEMON-GRASS CHICKEN, recommending Cinnamon as one of the best Indian/ Bangladeshi restaurants in Britain. View London also highly recommends Cinnamon as one of the best in Brick Lane†.3 Likewise, due to the high quality, great taste of its food, exemplary service, and consistently positive customer satisfaction ratings , the Cinnamon Brick Lane Restaurant have been patronized by celebrities and famous personalities such as Jeremy Guscott, a former England and Lions rugby player and Shepard Fairy, a famous jigsaw artist.4 From the above,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Lab report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

Lab Report Example derstanding of this instrumentation and using collaborate approach would guide the effort to find and determine  the flow rates and the volume flow rate. The connection between the two Rotameters that is the orifice meter and the PDM acts as the entry for the airflow that passes through the pipe. As the air flows through these pipes, it gets to the end of the PDM, which in turn serves as the standard for measuring the airflow. Besides, the PDM act as the standard calibration tool for other meters. However, two components (thermocouple and the pressure gauge) are located beside the Rotameter while the orifice meter inhabits two pressure taps. The first step involves recording down the barometric pressure. Once the pressure is noted down, the air pressure is allowed to go through the system as its flow is controlled by the flow regulator. It is important to open the valve located at Rotameter 2. The value at this valve is noted and left constant rate for the entire experimental process. The next step involved opening valve at Rotameter 1 while increasing the flow rate steadily to avoid interfering with the valves from other meters to enable continuation of the process until the required value is obtained. The next step involved recording of temperature and pressure values recorded in Rotameter 1 and 2, as well as the value of dropping pressure from the orifice meter. Other parameters recorded include the time required for a given volume of air flowing via the PDM and PDM pressure. The validity of fluid mechanics experiments is contributed by the meters selected for measuring mass flow rate and the volume flow rate. This experimental design used different meters to understand these parameters. The meters were unique, for instance, the Rotameter with a float inside the tapered tube was used. It allows the entry of air at the bottom while the float points upwards to allow the air to the exit. One hindrance is the Rotameter geometry, which means that correction

Evaluating artists significance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluating artists significance - Assignment Example As a painter, da Vinci developed a number of iconic artifacts key among which is the Mona Lisa. In this portrait, da Vinci couples a number of possibilities within a single face to come up with the most beautiful painting of its time. The painting portrays a fairer face of a woman with a protruding breast as though of a woman. In all aspects, the painting is a woman. However, several art professionals disagree with the actual portrayal in the painting some asserting that it is a combination of both male and female thereby depicting the beauty of creation (O'Connor 44). Such ambiguities in his works portray da Vinci’s creativity. Art is relative and therefore earns relative interpretations from different people. Leonardo da Vinci’s works on the contrary were difficult to interpret since the artist used simple artistic features to portray complex information mostly targeting the elite in the early society. This ability thus quantifies him as the father of the mannerist pe riod, a period in arts in which artists used complex artifacts to communicate and to criticize the society and the elite ruling class. Besides the Mona Lisa, da Vinci produced several other controversial paintings including the last supper, which is one of the most reproduced religious paintings. In the painting, Leonardo portrays Jesus sitting at a table with his twelve disciples. In a very controversial twist, Leonardo inserts a male disciple in the painting with fairer features next to Jesus. While most people view the image as that of Mathews one of the closest disciples of Jesus, other have rightly argued that she could be Marry Magdalene thereby raising questions about Marry Magdalene’s relationship with Jesus. This portrays the level of controversies that da Vinci left in most of his works. His other iconic painting is the Virgin and child with St Anne, in this, Leonardo includes a controversy as he superimposes two figures in the picture thereby complicating the ident ity of either Marry or St Anne. Despite the controversies that made his works more exciting, Leonardo da Vinci captured nature’s beauty in his works. He used some of the best models of the time and depicted nature as the most beautiful of all that existed. II. Late Renaissance and Baroque: Gian Lorenzo Bernini Lorenzo Bernini was yet another iconic Italian artist, architect, and sculptor. Bernini was a renowned playwright with the ability to develop dramatic narratives and a great sculptor who depicted magnificence in most of his works. As an artist of his time, Bernini portrayed arts as a reflector of the society; most of his narratives were therefore satirical criticisms of the elite in the early Roman society and the ruling class. He therefore portrayed the issues affecting the society in a sardonic manner thereby attracting the attention of the masses to the actions of the ruling elite through entertainment. His sculptors on the other hand were both realist and humanist. In such, he developed big sculptors of the great figures of the time in the streets and churches in Rome and developed others as decorations to similar places. The streets of Rome and some great international museums still stash some of his surviving artifacts. Among his great works that portrayed both beauty and opulence included the Apollo and Daphne, in the sculpture, Bernini portrays both a complex understanding to nature and the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Assess the extent to which it would be beneficial for Norway to join Essay

Assess the extent to which it would be beneficial for Norway to join the European Union - Essay Example In fact, Norway has close political and economic ties with the EU (regjeringen, 2011). For instance, according to regjeringen (2011), Norway and the EU are members of the European Economic Area (EEA, signed in 1994). Moreover, the EEA agreement regulates the relationship between Norway and EU (regjeringen, 2011). In addition, Norway and the European Union signed Schengen agreement and they are partners in the Iceland and Liechtenstein (regjeringen, 2011). The foundations of Norway-EU trade relations were led by the EFTA (European Free Trade Association), which was established in 1960 (regjeringen, 2011). The EU in collaboration with Norway participate in the fields of justice and home affairs, climatic changes, foreign policies, research policies and in regulation of energy consumption (regjeringen, 2011). Increase in cooperation of Norway with European Union dramatically affects more aspects of both Norwegian and the EU community and economy (regjeringen, 2011). Norway is a major su pplier of natural gas supplying up to 24% of the total gas imports, (regjeringen, 2011). Norway has contributed to the EU budget â‚ ¬ 230 million in 2010 (regjeringen, 2011). In addition, according to regjeringen (2011), the overall amount of Norway’s export to the EU is 80.7%. In order to understand the importance of the EU for Norway, one should not only look at the EEA Agreement, but analyze the entire structure of agreements. For example, the Schengen Agreement or the many other agreements between Norway and the EU that concern Justice, Security policy, fisheries and agriculture (regjeringen, 2012). On the other hand, Norway persistent refrains from joining the EU for various reasons, even though accession to the EU would bring new insights and new opportunities for Norway across diverse areas. Ladegaard (2012) states that, accordingly to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Internet Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Internet Marketing - Essay Example Customer today has a varying need with some needing more human interaction for customer interaction while others may value price and variety of selection. The gap in customer experience is more likely to be a result of technology bumps. You see, no matter how good and efficient technology is in facilitating transaction and even lowering cost, it cannot replace human interaction. Human interaction is the bedrock of most customer experience where the customer comes face to face with another human being who attends to his or her need as a customer. In a technology base business, it is often assumed that customer has already a working knowledge of what he or she needs or wants because there is little if any human interaction that will be extended to assist him or her in the purchase. This may be inimical to customers who need assistance to what they will buy. Customers who know what to buy and are familiar with the product, will be less affected by the absence of customer experience as long as the product that he or she need is available at a price that is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Economics suffers from a form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Essay

Economics suffers from a form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Explain with reference to modelling , theoretical paradigms and empirical testing - Essay Example 29-30). Normally, the change in momentum of a particle turns out more ill defined as the function of wave is confined to a lesser region. The nature of the wave to particles implies a particle is a wave package, the composite of a number of waves. A number of waves refer to many momentums; only one momentum can be made by observation out of many. The exact facts of complimentary pairs (time, energy, position) are impossible. For instance, it is possible to measure an electron’s position, but not its energy (momentum) simultaneously. Complementarity also implies that dissimilar experiments results into dissimilar outcomes (such as the two slit experiment). Thus, a single reality at the quantum level cannot be applied. Mathematically the uncertainty principle can be described as follows, where p is momentum and x is position: ∆x X ∆p> Ä §/2Ï€ (Romanovsky & Romanovsky, 2007, pp. 114-116). It fundamentally shows that the mixture of the error in momentum times the error in position should usually be bigger than Planck’s constant. Therefore, it is possible to measure an electron’s position to some accuracy; however, its momentum will appear in a bigger range of values. Similarly, it is possible to measure an electron’s momentum accurately; however, its position remains unidentified at that particular time (Romanovsky & Romanovsky, 2007, pp. 113-114). It is evident that there is uncertainty in modeling, foretelling and interpretation of prevailing socio-economic circumstances. This can be visible in the global financial systems’ instability, depending on natural and ordinary disturbances in the contemporary markets and greatly undesirable financial crises (Hilgevoord, 2005, pp. 30-36). This brings the necessity of not only researching on uncertainty in economics, but also establishing the connection to the Heisenberg’s uncertainty

Friday, August 23, 2019

Management. Views of Fayol and Mintzberg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management. Views of Fayol and Mintzberg - Essay Example This research paper explains what management is and examines basic management theories and definitions to compare and contrast each of them with others. This paper addresses management as an organizational function as well a topic for academic research and study. Management Managing is an extremely important and perhaps one of the most challenging activities in today’s complex society and especially in the contemporary business contexts. Various factors and forces such as globalization, competition, quality-concerns of customers about goods and services, changes in consumer requirements etc make ‘managing’ a more challenging and rather highly rewarding task. Management is generally defined as an ‘art of getting things done through others’ (Dessler and Phillips, 2007, p. 4). This definition by Herold Koontz denotes to various underlying concepts of managing such as delegation of authority, planning for some things to be done and executing them through people and available resources and coordinating and controlling it. Management is an art, science, technique, method, process or strategy by which people work with others and available resources to help the organization reach its destination. Management is therefore a goal oriented process. As Bateman and Snell (2003) described, management is the process or practice by which people (managers) work with other people and resources in order to accomplish the already set goals of the organization both effectively and efficiently. To be efficient means to achieve goals and organizational objectives with minimal waste of resources by making best use of money, time, technology, materials and people, whereas effectiveness refers to achieving the right organizational goals at right time through right ways. Managers do things differently with effective strategies and techniques and by using the organized knowledge that in turn help them make their organizations unique and ultimately successfu l. The general management thought can be affected largely by demographic, geographic and social influences from business to business. However, management theories and definitions are still applicable to varying situations in firms around the world. In today’s complex business contexts, it is very evident that management is merely the process of managing the total resources of an organization. Herold Koontz’s definition talks about delegation of authority and making people work for getting in to the ultimate goals. It is thus related to how effectively managing both people and other resources. People are used by managers to get their things done through. They moreover effectively and efficiently utilize the available materials as well. When it comes to the management practices in place today, Bateman and Snell (2003) argued that no manager is always right or always wrong, but some managers are getting it in to the right path more often than some other managers are doing (p. 6). Views of Fayol and Mintzberg In management study, the views of Henry Fayol and Henry Minzberg have gained considerable attention as their studies and findings have explored management as a function and role that managers do. Henry Fayol, famously renowned as father of modern management, defined management as â€Å"to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control† (Cole, 2004, p. 6). He asserted that management was characterized by five specific functions; that are planning, organizing, commanding,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Advantages of Taking Online Classes Compared to Being in a Classroom Essay Example for Free

The Advantages of Taking Online Classes Compared to Being in a Classroom Essay 1. Online Schooling a. Can work at your own pace from home b. Don’t have as many books to deal with c. Will not interfere with work schedule d. Can still travel throughout the year e. Can still communicate with your teacher at anytime f. Don’t have to worry about being late for school 2. Being in a classroom a. Will spend anywhere from two to eight hours in a day in school b. Have to lug big heavy books around from building to building c. You have to juggle your time around school when it comes to work d. Have designated holidays and time off  e. The teacher student ratio can be overwhelming f. Will have to drive to school, find a parking spot and get to class on time While I was trying to decide on my options of going back to school, I weighed the pros and cons of taking classes online versus being in a classroom with my health problems. Depending on what you are going to school for, taking online classes is more beneficial than going to a college classroom. You can get your assignments and work from the comforts of your own home, without worrying about the weather. Whatever books you require for your classes are at home with you to pick up, as you will. You can continue with your full time job and do your online work once you are off from work. You do not have to alter your family life to attend classes because you can do your work from anywhere you can access to a computer. Your teachers are always available to you to discuss your work and you can always reach them either by email or by phone. You do not have to worry about rushing, getting the kids off to the babysitter, or rushing from school to work. When you are in a classroom, again, depending on what you are going for, you can spend as little or as much as two to eight hours a day in a classroom. If you are attending a University, you will have to go from one side of the campus to the other to get to your classes carrying those big heavy books. I have seen many people in the work force having to cut back on their hours at work because they have to put in more time at school, or they have a ton of work to do and they cannot keep up with the flow. Your vacation time is limited to certain times of the year, so if something comes up, you have a lot of protocol to go through to get that time off. I often visited the college campus where my mom worked and I would sometimes sit in on some of the classes as an observer and there would be as many as fifty students in a classroom. Most of the times your teachers are available to you, but once they go home if they do not respond to your email, they will tell you about it in class. If your school is near or far from where you live, it can take as little as twenty minutes to as much as an hour to get to school and back, which in turn can leave you with hardly any time to yourself. Finally, taking an online class gives you the benefit of not having to leave your home to attend a class room. I personally am seeing a tremendous improvement in my household, now that I am home more and I can be here for my kids without trying to work, go to school and maintain my household. On the other hand to some people, being in a classroom can give a better hands on experience in their field of study.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

American History Since 1865 Essay Example for Free

American History Since 1865 Essay In the presidential election of 1912 there were two progressive candidates that impacted the landscape of America. Candidates Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were the frontrunner of the 1912 election. This election changed the country in ways that we as Americans can feel today. These two candidates spawned a progressive movement from a place where many American felt as if their government fell to help out the man on the ground doing the work. In a time when there was a big disparity between the rich and the poor throughout the country because of capitalism the President McKinley was assassinated to usher in Theodore Roosevelt. Although he became the President because he was the Vice President at the time of the assassination, Roosevelt’s charisma and his talent for public speaking made him a popular president. His ability to relate to the common man wasn’t the only thing that created favor among the masses; his policies while in office gave played a major role in his popularity. Let’s take a look at some of them. Roosevelt was a person that cared for the people, and as such when the popular book â€Å"The Jungle† by Upton Sinclair brought the countries attention to the meat and how it was packaged. The book told of the horrible unsanitary conditions that the Chicago meatpacking industry used to package their meats. The President then conducting his own investigation, after finding out that conditions were worst then what was in the book he acted quickly signed into law the Food and Drug Act. Thinking of the people and their conditions Roosevelt created what is known today as the Food and Drug Administration. This is just one of the things that President Roosevelt accomplished while in office, showing that he had the welfare of the country in mind. As President Roosevelt’s foreign policy played a major role in making America a superpower. With the creation of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, President Roosevelt told the world that the United States would police the nations of Central America, northern South America, and the Caribbean. This wasn’t because we wanted to be nice, but it was to protect the interest of European investors and America’s economic interest (Mitchener and Weidenmier, 1941). This showed that President not only had the people’s welfare in mind but he had the financial future of the country n mind as well. During the election of 1912 there were two big Progressive Candidates that ran in this election. We covered some of the accomplishments/views of Theodore Roosevelt during his presidency before this election period, now let look at the Woodrow Wilson’s views. â€Å"I am, therefore, forced to be a progressive, if for no other reason, because we have not kept up with our changes of conditions, either in the economic field or in the political field. We have not kept up as well as other nations have. We have not kept our practices adjusted to the facts of the case, and until we do, and unless we do, the facts of the case will always have the better of the argument; because if you do not adjust your laws to the facts, so much the worse for the laws, not for the facts, because law trails along after the facts. Only that law is unsafe which runs ahead of the facts and beckons to it and makes it follow the will-o-the-wisps of imaginative projects. † (Wilson, 1913) In this statement that Wilson made he shows his feeling of why he is a progressive. Just as Roosevelt, Wilson felt as if the government was doing too much, yet not enough for people. So during the 1912 election he found himself running on a New Freedom platform where he wanted to limit federal government and fight the monopolies. He did this by addressing Tariffs, Banks and Business. He was successful in lowering tariff on such things as woolen, steel rails, raw wool, and iron ore. Now when he did this he brought back the federal income tax which hadn’t been in existence since the days of the civil war. Wilson used these federal income taxes to help run our government that he campaigned need to be limited. This federal income tax we are still paying today and we still haven’t limited government’s control over us. By addressing Banks I think that Wilson was able to help the agriculture industry and hurt the country’s finical status in the long run. With the Federal Farm loan Act farmers were able to cover the increasing cost of land. This helped the agriculture industry, but the Federal Reserve System created a system where the country was able to stabilize prices of goods in the country, and mange long term interest rates. I know you’re asking how is this a bad thing, to which I reply â€Å"Housing Market. † I think that if you owned a house or even watched the news you know that this when our system failed us. Thanks Wilson. As far as the Business Wilson was able to establish the Federal Trade Act. This Act was established to deter business from conducting unfair trade practices. The Federal Trades Act allowed its member to investigate and take action on companies who practice unfair trades. Summary In his campaign to change the Country through a New Freedom Woodrow Wilson beat out the more popular Theodore Roosevelt. The changes that Roosevelt made in office and the promises of a new and improved government did not fair that well against the promise of less government in the New Freedom that Woodrow Wilson offered during his campaign. The two Progressive Presidents stood for the betterment of the people and the removal of these giant corporations in the government. They both accomplished this in their own way, yet they did it differently.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Main Factors That Attract Tourists To The Caribbean Tourism Essay

Main Factors That Attract Tourists To The Caribbean Tourism Essay Tourism has long been the primary industry on the majority of the Caribbean islands due to the largely incredible natural beauty and wildlife which attracts hoards of vacation hungry visitors all year long. (Sophia Southern, n.d.). Tourism accounts for a large amount of the Caribbeans economy and work force. The most important tourist centre in the Caribbean are Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Island, Jamaica, The Bahamas and Barbados. Tourists are attracted to the Caribbean for many reasons some of the main factors are: Geography The Caribbean which extends from the southern tip of Florida, pass the Gulf of Mexico and down to the north-eastern tip of South America, attracts a lot of visitors each year. The Caribbean has numerous landforms such as islands, mountains, waterfalls etc. Weather -The Caribbean has a tropical marine climate which gives it an all year round sunshine and this makes it perfect for the winter visitors. The equator gives the Caribbean temperatures `between 27-32Â °C. It is called marine because of the influence of the sea. During the day the sea is usually cooler than land. Winds blowing from the sea. This is one of the biggest reason why tourists are attracted to the Caribbean, The climate attract tourist to the Caribbean during the winter period their country Tourism activities in the Caribbean have traditionally centre around the promoting of coastal attractions: beaches, coral reefs, coastal water. Beyond the beauty of the beaches, its sparkling blue water and attractive coral reefs, there are lush tropical rainforest, volcanic, a rich cultural heritage Culture and Sandy Beaches The Caribbean culture is The white sandy beaches of the Caribbean islands are a magnificent sight to see and parallel to none. The Caribbean is well known for its fine grained, soft white sand The opportunities of water sports When tourist come to the Caribbean they want to try water activities such as swimming, sailing, and snorkelling Community-based Tourism Community tourism is not a recent phenomenon, it dates back to the early days of travel when travellers were accommodated in monasteries, inns, homes and hostels. Community tourism is dependent on the community itself its attitude towards tourist is recognition of the value of tourist business and the steps it takes to stimulate and promote it. It requires the involvement of the community as a whole and a strong working relationship with the tourism sector. Community-Based tourism exists and can only be successful when there is a participation of the community in which the product is located. There can be full participation meaning that the community controls tourism in their local or limited participation of the community personnel. (Teaching Tourism in the Caribbean, December 2000) Why Community Based tourism Jamaicans sometimes feel left out from the tourism industry and do not believe that they benefit from the tourism therefore it is important for individuals to become stakeholder as they will now have a reason to protect and sustain the industry. Community tourism is identify as an avenue to sustain growth, environmental sustain-ability enhanced visitor experience and community development. This would result in it being an inclusive industry where the benefits from tourism are spread more widely. (Team Jamaica, 2000) Benefits of Caribbean based tourism Increased employment both directly and indirectly. Increased opportunity for social and cultural intercourse. Increased income the improvement of infrastructure and enhancement of the community Improve quality of life Principles of Community Tourism Community Tourism is a new appearance. It is a spirit that spread throughout all sectors of the tourism industry. Community Tourism is about levels of relationships between the host country and the visitor. What is appealing to the visitor is found among the varied natural attractions, local resources and talents, and indigenous attributes of a community or area. Through visitor-community interaction, respective cultures are explored, ideas and information are exchanged, and new friends are made. (, n.d.) Community Tourism fosters opportunities at the community level for local people wishing to participate more fully in the tourism industry. This may range from organising bed breakfast accommodation in a rural home to creating income-generating tourism opportunities for an entire village. Community Tourism is managed tourism in its profoundest sense, taking into account evolving travel trends in such areas as the environment, study and research, seniors travel and other special interests. Community Tourism products and services are geared to address these trends and to satisfy the interests of emerging travel markets. Key clientele includes: The mature market Study and Research groups, including schools, universities, colleges and research based organizations Church groups Environmentalists, botanist, ornithologists and nature lovers The independent traveller Afro-Americans Caribbean Nationals at home and abroad The vision of Community Tourism is to expose the local resources and talents, and make the concept a reality for local people. Community Tourism embraces eco-tourism, cultural tourism, adventure tourism, recreational tourism, geo-tourism, heritage tourism, health tourism, farm tourism and all the popular special interest tourism. Community-based tourism, therefore, is a combination of tourism products offered at a community-level to domestic or international visitors. In the Jamaican context, community-based tourism usually refers to visitor interaction with local people in the rural areas outside of the traditional resort areas. Community-based tourism does not mean that the rules that apply to traditional tourism sub-sectors do not apply them. The principles of health and safety for visitors drive tourism regardless of the setting in which the product is offered. Community-based tourism, however, offers a unique opportunity for Jamaica. The process of community-based tourism development if managed effectively has the potential to alleviate poverty and illiteracy. Community-based tourism also has the potential to develop the natural creative energy of Jamaicans by transforming average citizens into entrepreneurs. It can be used to develop strong partnerships by twinning existing traditional tourism entrepreneurs with aspiring non-traditional tourism entrepreneurs. It can be combined with the existing tourism product offerings to create a uniquely Jamaica experience. Community-based tourism can be a stand-alone venture or a partnership of the traditional and the non-traditional products blended with Jamaican charm, culture and heritage to create a community tourism spirit that culminates in a truly Jamaican experience. Community-based tourism can bring out the best in the Jamaican people In developing community-based tourism products it is essential to understand that: Local conditions, culture and knowledge will influence the outcome. Each community has its own identify and values. Tourism works within a system. The tourism system defines the rules for local tourism. Developing a business is a process. International standards play a significant role in product development and marketing. Each agency on the team has a specific role to play in the development of the community-based tourism product. Failure to learn the rules and to manage effectively and efficiently the process results in failure at the local and national levels. External Challenges Global competition for tourism business The forces of globalization advocate the free movement of goods/services, capital and labour by opening up the world markets for trade. Globalization has expanded global corporate reach and control. The challenge is that the region now has to invest in meeting international standards. Worldwide the hospitality industry is having difficulty attracting motivated and dynamic employees because of its image as primarily offering low pay, low status jobs, with long, demanding working hours and difficult working conditions. Modern technology is rapidly changing the way business is conducted in travel and tourism. With the increasing use of computers by businesses to gain competitive advantage and the dramatic increase in the use of the Internet by travellers, tourism businesses have to invest in the new technologies and train their people in the use of these technologies to remain competitive. The use of distance learning is revolutionizing campuses worldwide as, through the use of multiple technologies. Special attention needs to be paid to addressing the human resources needs of small, medium and micro tourism businesses in the region which make up the bulk of the sector, and which are locally owned and managed for the most part.. (Morgan, CTO, 2001)

Essay example --

â€Å"Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith (Steve).† In other words, don’t give up your hope or goals because sometimes you will be successful due to luck. Founder of the prominent Apple Inc, Steve Jobs has led the company to success. Together with Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, they created the original, Apple Computer Inc. They contributed technological advances over the years which made devices affordable and convenient to everyone. Now, all Apple products proliferate around the world and is commonly used everywhere. Although Jobs has been through many rough times during his journey to success, his interest in technology, good decisions, innovative ideas, and persistence allowed Apple and himself to prosper. Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California 1955 (A E Networks). His biological parents were Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, however Jobs was put up for adoption and as a result; Paul and Clara Jobs picked him up and raised him (A E Networks). Jobs already has a rough start on his life. He was â€Å"smart, but directionless,† but that did not stop him from finding success in his adulthood (A E Networks). Steve Jobs’ interest in technology sprouted from his childhood hometown, Santa Clara County, otherwise known as Silicon Valley (Moisescot). The County is well known for their semi conductor companies that were filled with engineers working on electronics (Moisescot). This environment set a foundation to Jobs’ path to success. During high school, Jobs attended an electronic class in which he received help from HP’s co founder, Bill Hewlett, to get electronic parts and to get help on his homework (Moisescot). Eventually, due to his interest in this tech class, he worked at the HP fac... ...n the technological world. Furthermore contributing to this world, he realized that a touch screen can be applied to a phone, thus the iPhone was born (Moisescot). Again, it turned out to be a great seller and changed how people used their phones. Steve Jobs’ was extremely successful because he changed how people viewed technology. Furthermore, he brought success and fame to Apple which before was withering. Jobs life was like a rollercoaster; He had a slow start, but then found success. He dropped back down due to the hardships and conflicts at Apple then became widely successful on the new products. Even though he was kicked to the ground several times, in the end he always rose up in success. Jobs’ interest in technology, good decisions, innovative ideas, and persistence helped him get out of the hard times in his life, but eventually he found success in the end.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Violence in Video Games Essay -- essays research papers

Violence in Video Games and Its Affects on Teens Ever since their conception, video games have contained violence; violence being to cause pain or death onto other beings. From early video games to the most advanced, violence plays an important role. Early games like Wonder Boy and Space Invaders contain violence. Space Invaders involves shooting and killing as many alien as possible. Wonder Boy has our hero killing monsters that vanish upon death. The hero is also subjected to violence as enemies swing swords, and throws rocks at him. The degree of violence in video games is based upon personal preference. Does violence in video games contribute to violent act committed by teens? And, what makes teens turn to violence? Being exposed to violence everyday, kids become blunt to it and it becomes a normal thing. It a defense mechanism, a form of denial says Dr. Peter Nieman, a Pediatrician. Video games are seen as fantasy but really help to make violence more acceptable in our society says university of Toronto Sociologist Walter Podichak. There are still many questions whether some video games are more violent than some comic books or some cartoons. It’ s a problem for some kids who are not connected and are dealing with violent images, they may think this is an appropriate behavior. If they have access to a gun, you may see a problem says Det. Sgt. John Muise, of the Ontario office of victims of Crimes. (Source 3) Examples of violent video games and their content In m...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Emily Dickenson And The Theme Of Death Essay -- GCSE English Literature

Emily Dickinson And the Theme of Death Emily Dickenson, an unconventional 19th century poet, used death as the theme for many of her poems. Dickenson's poems offer a creative and refreshingly different perspective on death and its effects on others. In Dickenson's poems, death is often personified, and is also assigned to personalities far different from the traditional "horror movie" roles. Dickenson also combines imaginative diction with vivid imagery to create astonishingly powerful poems. In the 1862 poem, After Great pain, a formal feeling comes--, Emily Dickenson presents death from the perspective of the bereaved. This poem is written in the third person, and informs the reader as to the actions and thoughts of the mourners through an omniscient narration. In contrast, most of Dickenson's other death related poems show the reader the perspective of the dead. The vivid imagery in this poem functions to enhance the reader's perception of the poem. The following passage conveys a resplendent physical sense of coldness as someone is frozen to death: "This is the Hour of Lead-- Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow-- First--Chill--then Stupor--then the letting go--" The innovative diction in this passage creates an eerie a...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Book Fair Essay

The theme of this year’s book fair was â€Å"E-books† keeping in mind the increasing number of IT- savvy younger generation with a penchant for internet, mobile-phones and other reader-friendly digital gizmos. It attracted over 230 participants from India and Abroad. The overseas participants were from China, Pakistan, UK and USA. The fair provided a unique platform for business-to-business transactions, establishing new contacts, entering into co-publishing arrangements, reprinting of old and rare books. The visitor profile at the fair included national and international publishers, librarian, researchers, academicians, writers, students and book lovers. Entry ticket for adults was Rs.20/- per ticket while the same for children/students(with I.D.) was Rs.10/- per ticket. For the convenience of visitors, free shuttle service was also available between the entry gates and fair venue. Besides, the facility of wheelchair with attendant was also provided for convenience of physically challenged. Hon’ble Lt. Governor of Delhi Shri Tejendra Khanna inaugurated the fair on 1st sept,12 at the auditorium, Hall No. 8,Pragati Maidan,New Delhi. Chairperson and Managing director, ITPO, Smt. Rita Menon, president FIP, Sri Sudhir Malhotra, executive director , ITPO, Sri Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Director Delhi Book Fair, FIP, Sri Shakti Mallik, ITPO, Sri B.L. Meena Diplomats, senior ITPO Officials, besides representatives of participating companies from India and Abroad were present on the occasion. Complimenting ITPO and FIP for institutionalizing a book event of international stature, Sri Tejendra in his inaugural address, pointed out  the significant role played by books in achieving global integration by building litrary bridged across the socio-cultural, linguistic and religious diversities.It was observed that basically book fulfill three functions , acquisition of knowledge, entertainment and inspiration. Sri Khanna appealed to the publishers to bring out books tha are constructive, secular and progressive in outlook as books have a significant role in shaping the next generation. Welcoming overseas exhibitors from China, Pakistan, UK and USA, he expessed the hope that the fair would give a fillip to enhance international collaborations in publishing and business transactions. He also voiced optimism that the upcoming redevelopment project of a world class integrated exhibition-cum-convention complex in Pragati Maidan would open new avenues of trade promotion. Delhi Book Fair 2012 was supplemented by a no. of seminars,workshops, poetry, and litrary evenings and book launches. The subject of concurrent seminars and workshops included : â€Å"Topper secrets of success† by AIETS, â€Å"Digital Book Market in India† by qbend LLC, â€Å"Telling Tales to Children† by NBT, â€Å"Literature and Values† by Authors Guild of India, â€Å"Public Libraries† by the Indian Library Association, â€Å"Discover the Genius in Your child† by AIETS. The workshops will be on â€Å"E-publishing† by digital media initiatives and â€Å"Mind Power Tool Intellectual Property in information age†. Besides, an exclusive program on â€Å"Strategies for Success In Your Application to American Universities, American Embassy, ‘A complete ERP solution for printing and publishing Industry’ by UNEECOPS and ‘Kitab Tere Roop Anek’ by Bachpan society and FIP was also held during the Fair. A unique feature of this Delhi Book Fair was the Screening of films based on novels of selected Indian Authors at the Shakuntalam convention centre, Pragati Maidan. As its tribute to some famous authors whose works have inspired the making of celluloid masterpieces over the last 100 years. ITPO organized a special screening of nine feature films in hindi and some regional languages during the Delhi Book Fair. The films were Duniya Ne Mane(Hindi), Meghe Dhaka Tara(Bengali), Guide(Hindi), Samskara(Kannada), Umbartha(Marathi), Vidheyan(Malyalam),Slumdog Millionaire(English),  Parineeta(Hindi), 3 Idiots(hindi). Entry to the film was free and on first come first basis. The Archie’s store attracted many small kids and students as it offered variety of gift items at heavy discount it included stuff toys, show pieces, Mugs, Key Chains and many other items. Large areas were covered with mats for visitors to get some rest after walking from stall to stall. A cafeteria was also there. As compared to the previous editions, the Delhi Book Fair 2012 attracted additional footfalls on account of the popular event, the 14th edition of stationary fair . The display profile of the fair was organized in Hall no. 12A and covered a wide range of stationary items, including writing instruments, materials, pens, pencils sketch pens, erasers, geometry boxed, drawing and painting material, crayons, paints, brushes, computer related stationary items. Other items which featured at stationary fair included office supplies, files, file covers/boards, labels, photocopy paper, staplers, highlighters, diaries, calendars, adhesives, writing pads, material for seminars, conferences, stationary packing machines and materials etc. After attracting legions of visitors, Delhi Book Fair 2012 concluded successfully on September 9, 2012. Sri Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Executive director, ITPO presented the awards for excellence in display to the winners at the fair. Present on the occasion were Sri B.L. Meena, Officer on Special Duty, ITPO, participants and media persons. Trophies were also awarded for excellence in display in the Stationary Fair with E-Monte pens bagging the gold, Pacific paper products the silver, the Srinivas Fine Art the bronze. Later speaking to the media, Sri Gupta said that ITPO would andeavour to hold future editions of the Book Fair on the larger format with cooperation and the support of all the sections of the book trade and Industry. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Sri B.L. Meena, OSD and ITPO.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Learning Team Reflection Week Essay

The week prior we reflected on how to succeed at team building, conflict in the team work, different tip on team collaborations, and conflict skills that make a difference in the work place and in your team. As we all collaborated on our issues and thoughts about how these are used in our work place these issues different issues began show to also show up as we work together as a group complete or different assignment, the different conflict that we all face, how we work together to work those differences out and how we can overcome those optical and the roles that each of us play or even take to make sure that we are getting the job done. How to succeed at team building Team building is the one of the most important reason why organizations succeed or fail. One of the biggest barriers to building a successful team is the lack of investment by an organization in team development, whether that investment comes in the form of time or money. Building a thriving team is hard work and time consuming, which can pose a challenge for business leaders today as they want a return on their investment too quickly. It takes the commitment of the organization, team leadership, and team members to build winning teams without it the organization is dam to fail. When building a strong successful team focus of the six keys point that can assists in team bulding1. Develop employees on the right job, 2. Look to your leaders, 3. Assess the team, 4 Create a culture of engagement, 5. Give team what they need, 6. Establish conditions for success; with these six points can assist with a build a strong foundation a great team. CONFLICT IN WORK TEAMS Modern business etiquette has, for the most part, kept working together within a corporation very civil and relaxed. We have many different ways of relieving tension and conflict between workers, however it does still occur, even in ways which we do not immediately realize. Conflict can be something obvious and overt, such as an argument or companywide competition. However it can also be something much less obvious, an undiscussed bit of competition between two people, and one may simply wish to get a project done a few minutes before the other person, maybe they are each vying for a promotion or raise. It is very difficult to immediately spot issues like these, usually because the people involved do not ever speak of it, however as a manager, it is important to closely monitor morale and actions by the employees. It is also important to be able to spot how certain differences or changes to the work load, or new policies and events may create conflict between workers before and after it has been implemented. Tips on Team Collaboration Team collaboration can be both very helpful and successful or it can be very negative and waste each team member’s time. Often times, in team collaborations, one or two of the group members become overly dominant and when they speak their opinions or ideas the rest of the team just agrees with them and the brainstorming stage is over. Some tips to team collaboration that can assist in making the team successful is to first, before any work has been started, determine what the overall objective is. Ensure that each team member can answer the question, â€Å"Why are we here?† This will put each member on the same page. Secondly, make sure that each team members voice and opinions are heard and respected. Sometimes people are afraid to speak their ideas because they are afraid of the reaction they will receive, if there are team members that do not appear to be involved in brainstorming, the next idea is to have each member write their ideas out on a piece of paper. Once each person has written down their ideas the team leader can either verbally read each idea or write them on a white board for the team to see and review. Conflict skills that make a difference  conclusion Reference

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Instant Noodle Market: An Economic Indicator in the Philippines Essay

INTRODUCTION Background of the Study With the Philippines’ worsening economy, people are becoming more concerned with their expenditures and are shifting their consumption to cheaper alternatives. Such an alternative for food is instant because these instant noodles are not only tasty and filling, but also very cheap. These three qualities have made it very popular among consumers who are tightening their budget. This paper aims to show that the increasing popularity and sales of this instant noodles are directly related to the worsening condition of the Philippines’ economy. When consumers experience lower income and lower level of spending power they tend to substitute cheaper, lower quality goods for relatively more expensive, higher quality goods. In this light, instant noodles are becoming an indicator of the country’s economic performance. Additionally, this increased consumption of instant noodles brings about many health and economic implications. Statement of the Problem In the current deteriorating state of the Philippine economy, instant noodles, because of their affordability and convenience, are slowly replacing traditional food staples and at the same time, becoming an economic indicator. In this research, the author focus on how instant noodles are gaining popularity in the Philippines in relation to this product’s characteristics and the influences of the economy and income per capita. The paper would also solve the following questions: how the consumption level of instant noodles is indicative of the country’s economic activity? What are the implications that the growing consumption of instant noodles may have on the Philippine economy and the health of the population? Importance of the study More knowledge on this topic could prove useful to understanding how the instant noodle market could become an effective gauge of a country’s performance and the state of living. In addition, by delving into the subject, more information may be made available and would allow future studies to look more closely on how instant noodles may be improved to further benefit the general population. Also, the growing industry may be prove to be useful as a mechanism of providing labor and other forms of economic benefits for the country. As poverty continues to be rampant and resources remain scarce, instant noodles may prove to be a solution to some of the problems faced by the Philippines today. Scope and Limitation of the Study The research will focus on the consumer activity of households with relatively low income and how it would relate to the economy. The survey for this paper will be conducted with 30 respondents at Brgy. 617, a relatively impoverished urban community situated in Sampaloc, Manila. The interview will also take place in the said barangay. Subject: Accounting Subject of Topic: Instant Noodles Topic: The effects of noodles to those family who has low income Purpose: The purpose of this research is to further increase the understanding of how the economic state of a country affects its consumers’ behaviors towards instant noodles or even similar products. Title: Instant Noodles Becoming a Replacement for Traditional Food Staples in Brgy. 617 Sampaloc, Manila and an Indicator of the Philippine Economy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Don’t Count Your Chicken Before They Are Hatched

DON’T COUNT YOUR CHICKEN BEFORE THEY ARE HATCHED Dongosu had just being promoted to the last call in secondary and he was preparing for his final exams which will make him gain admission into university. His parent were rich and they have pampered him, he spent most of his time watching films and playing games, so he has no time for his studies. At about a week to his final exams, he overheard some of his friend discussing about a man called scoopy who is an expert in sending malpractices’ to one during exams via mobile phone..Dongosu was happy to hear this, he collected all information needed about scoopy and he went to meet him concerning his final exams. Scoopy promised to send him the answers during the exam and they both agreed on the amount of money scoopy would collect. During the exam Dongosu would receive the answers as a text message and he would copy it into his exam booklet.After the exams, Dongosu boasted to everyone that his result would be the best in the state, he also told his parent he would like to throw up a party on the day the result would be out. His father called him and told him to be patient till when the result comes out. But he insisted that he would buy a projector and present the result in front of all his friends so that he can be recognized as the best student.On the day the result would be out, at about 5 minutes before the result will be projected ,all Dongosu’s friend were rejoicing and dancing merrily, the master of the ceremony announced the next item on the agenda, which is visiting the net and searching for Dongosu’s result, immediately his name was seen on the result list, the music was tune to a high level and people began to wait for his result to load on the computer, after the results loaded, Dongosu had fail in all his subject and he is to re-read the final class.Dongosu fainted immediately and he was rushed to the hospital, after several hours,he was revived back to life, he has been disg raced publicly, he apologized to his and he also told them about scopy. Scoopy was arrested and prosecuted he confessed that it was Dongosu’s friends who told him to Dongosu, so Dongosu faced his studies squarely and he learnt never to count his chickens before they are hatched.

Analysis of Saudi Arabia Press Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Analysis of Saudi Arabia Press - Essay Example The essay "Analysis of Saudi Arabia Press" talks about the main functions of print media in Saudi Arabia and how the government controls it after the events occurring in Bahrain. The Saudi press remained controlled, applying no pressure on to the state authorities in relation to their handling of the Bahraini events and abstaining from the criticism of other governments. The Saudi government desired to be viewed as central to the social structure whereas the Saudi print media was to serve as a gatekeeper of what the Saudi people should think about. Then, it may be hypothesized that the function of the system of print media in Saudi Arabia was in accordance with the authoritarian press model, by which the press is considered as "a servant of the state and it is responsible for a larger part of its content to the power figures who are in charge of the government at any particular time". Indeed, if this model is applicable to the Saudi print media then the hypotheses given below would b e likely to hold true: H1 a: The developments in the field of politics and military/defense in Bahrain would be extremely newsworthy. H1 b: The type of news, for the political and military developments in the Bahraini conflict, would be largely domestic. H1 c: The tone of the news, for the political and military developments in the Bahraini conflict, would usually be positive. H2: The individual newspapers would offer similar levels of coverage to the different themes that have been presented by the news items.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 25

Reaction paper - Essay Example As a reaction to the freeing of slaves, some Southerners had resulted in killing government couriers as well as soldiers. The Southerners had indulged in an opposition against the Union, a factor that contributed to a complete absence of patriotism. Such factors explained why the president wanted Schurz to compile a report concerning the views of the Southerners. This paper will critically analyze some of the aspects discussed in the report presented by Schurz. In the report, Schurz discussed the attitudes of Southerners towards African Americans. The Southerners had harbored a belief that African Americans were unable to work without any form of compulsion (Johnson 309). In their view, African Americans could only be productive, if there were white masters compelling them to undertake tasks. In my view, this was a misconception because African-Americans could make a living by working as free people. The problem in the Southern States was that freed slaves never received the right opportunities to exploit their potential. In addition, the slave masters had spent several years with African Americans, but they did not understand their true characters. The report does highlight that the slave masters viewed African Americans as very deceitful. However, many African Americans serving as slaves were smart enough to hide their strategies from the masters. The Southerners also believed that African Americans only existed for one purpose. In their view, the purpose was cultivating cash crops such as cotton and rice (310). They opined that African Americans were not in a position to pursue their happiness. Such assumptions were wrong, African Americans had the will to pursue happiness, and their only barrier was slavery (308). The report also reveals that there were high levels of persecution directed towards African Americans

Monday, August 12, 2019

Biblical Theme of Justice, Love, Fidelity, Mercy Term Paper

Biblical Theme of Justice, Love, Fidelity, Mercy - Term Paper Example The Old Testament narrates events that occurred during the time of Abraham, Moses, and the lives of Israelites. The common bible has 66 books written by various authors, at a different period influenced by the Holy Spirit. It is reputable that the bible is the most sold manuscript in the historical world compared to other literary books. Justice, fidelity, love and mercy are core themes found in the bible and are discussed aptly. Old Testament God is just and desires man to practice integrity according to his guidance and instructions. He wants justice to be practiced in interpersonal relations among the populace. Justice refers to policies and set of laws that bind the society mutually in the Old Testament. The laws in testament are aimed at bringing harmony and love among people. Justice is viewed as liberation when the Israelites were liberated from the repression of slavery in Egypt (Groody, 33) Justice is depicted when God made a covenant with the Israelites after rescuing them from oppression and taking them to Promised Land. "’(The Egyptians) made the people of Israel serve with rigour and made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and brick, and in all kinds of work in the field; in all their work they made them serve with rigour’ (Exodus 1: 13-14).† (The Irish Commission for Justice, & Peace, 4)... The term ‘Yahweh the liberator’ is common in Old Testament since he is responsible in assisting the demoralized, and defenseless in society. They were overworked for a period in anticipating that God would come to their rescue and deliver them from subjugation. According to the Old Testament, a person cannot be just when relating to the covenant made amid man and God (Groody, 33). The covenant required Israelites to be just by assisting the oppressed and deprived. Justice significantly emphasizes on quality of human relation rather than the social power and person’s rights. The relationship existing amid individuals should be guided by covenant’s qualities such as steadfast, love, mercy and faithfulness. Amusingly, Israelites perceived a ‘just’ person as an individual who is well off and lives a comfortable life. The continuity in the development of the theme is seen in the story of Job, whose life experience teaches people that justice is appr eciating good things in life and the ability to be aware that everything in existence is a gift from God. Prophet Zephaniah and Jeremiah esteemed the poor in the society since they were perceived as the chosen instrument in God’s implementation of justice. The act of justice by the Israelites is the basis of Israel’s faith. God is referred to as the ‘God of Covenant’ since he rejects worship that prohibits the significance and practice of justice. Consequently, for a Christian to be perceived as redeemer of the subjugated, he/she has to observe the duties critically (Groody, 32). New Testament Justice should prevail in society, and individuals should learn to be understanding and caring to be perceived justly. A ‘just’ person lives in accordance to the covenant way of life

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Scientific Realism & Anti-realism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Scientific Realism & Anti-realism - Assignment Example The â€Å"no miracles argument† is an argument for realism that states that there are unobservable â€Å"entities† in the world that can be used to influence the observable world. Just because one cannot observe everything does not mean that it does not exist. What happens in the observable world proves the existence and can allow one to predict the behavior of the unobservable. A theory is â€Å"empirically successful† if it has to be shown to make â€Å"excellent predictions about the behavior of objects in the observable world†. Inherently unobservable phenomena, such as the changes an electron undergoes in an atom when moving from a high to lower energy-state in lasers, which scientists then apply to technology that is functionally based on the repeatable results of the experiments define theories that are empirically successful. Realists use the theory to confirm the existence of the unobservable world and to make predictions about its reliability, proposing that if a theory is empirically successful that it must be true based on the results of repeated observations. Anti-realists refer to a number of theories based on empirically successful experimentation that science has later proven false. The anti-realist position is that as science becomes more sophisticated and uncovers ways to observe more of the world, more of the unknown becomes known. The â€Å"no clear difference† argument proposes that there is no clear delineation between the observable and unobservable world. Another argument for realism, this argument indicates that if the line cannot be drawn so that it is easily understood, that more is observable than the anti-realists readily assume.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

What inhabits governments from simply crushing protest by force Essay

What inhabits governments from simply crushing protest by force - Essay Example We are therefore, going to discuss reasons that the government avoids using force to stop protests as below. The government will never use force to crash protest because this would mean to violate the human rights. For example, black southern student sit-in movement was conducted by Civil Rights activists between 1957 and 1960 and affected at least fifteen cities in Greensboro, North Carolina was a function of well-developed and integrated widespread internal organization of civil right participants. Many demonstrations were organized in black people churches that supported the activists with finance. Some of the leaders of the protests were priest, teachers and heads of local organizations. Therefore, use of force to stop their protest would never be possible because it would go to the worst of killing these leaders. This would make the society to lose important people as they played important role in the society.Instead, the government used interviews to dig deep to the reason of the protest a move viewed to be the right move by the Protestants. The interviewers were given freedom to spe ak out their grievances while the government listening to them.As a result, the participants were able to present their facts in such a way as to enhance their own status. The interviews were appropriate because the accounted for individuals who participated in and were eyewitnesses to the events that were occurring. The government was able to understand about the sit-in that they were connected rather than isolated, initiated through organizations and personal ties, rationally planned and lead by established leaders and supported by indigenous resources thus use of force could not help to end the sit-ins but would have led to more chaos between the sit-ins activists and the government. On the other hand , it was impossible for the government to use force to crash the protests because the cycle of the organization linked to even those involve in the

Friday, August 9, 2019

Indonesian Islamic Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Indonesian Islamic Law - Essay Example I felt peeved at the manner in which a lady is being shoved out of a hotel lobby, where she was having conversation with two of her lady friend, and the male colleagues standing nearby kept laughing and booing at them. Nobody thought it fit to reason out with the police officials that they are not doing anything illegal in the hotel lobby. What is more troubling is, what message is being sent out about Islamic laws by such an action?3.  Identify cultural values specific to your own culture that impacted upon how you reacted/responded to this article. My culture has given me the values and teaching which do not allow ill-treatment of the female members of the society for the simple reason that they are born as female. Equality in the society is the norm as far as I’ve learnt. I sincerely feel that laws are meant to protect the humanity and not to torture them in the name of religion.4.  Analyze how ethnocentricity can impact the way in which you reacted to this article.Ethn ocentricity implies that an individual tends to focus more on the specific ethnic group he or she belongs to. In general it can be considered as a normal human tendency, but in this case we have a nation which has to take care of so many issues at home for development of its citizens, reconstruction of the infrastructure destroyed during the Tsunami disaster, political issues etc. But focus is being given to the age old Shariah laws instead. When a port city it raises doubts about the capability of the government to take the nation ahead.

Development public expenditures & Urban services delivery Essay

Development public expenditures & Urban services delivery - Essay Example Developmental public expenditure includes expenditure on infrastructure, development of agriculture, and public enterprises. This expenditure incurred by the government increases capacity of production and in the long run acts source of income to the government (Shantayanan Devarajan, 1996). Redistributive public expenditure is public expenditures incurred by the government to foster public health to benefit all persons. Government use expenditures as devices for redistribution. Redistributive public expenditure includes expenditure incurred by the government in the provision of public health, welfare, education, and public pension. How maintaining adequate levels of urban service delivery at the time of falling revenue and shrinking budgets has become a monumental challenge for government at all levels (Shantayanan Devarajan, 1996). Shantayanan et al (1996) argues that falling revenue and shrinking budgets have become a challenge to the government to maintain sufficient delivery of municipal services (Shantayanan Devarajan, 1996). Households that are poor spend all their income to meet daily needs and are not able to save for future. In addition, the government lack resources for budgetary to make public investment and administration by employing managers that are qualified and using current systems of technology (Shantayanan Devarajan, 1996). On the other hand, foreign investors move from economies with no underlying infrastructure. The government should put down strategies to increase profits and strategies to address deficit budget. The government should enhance employment and growth of the economy; an economy that grows faster provides win-win results of a wide proverbial pie of economy to divide, with greater tax revenues and employment, lowering safety of net spending lower debt to GDP ratio. The government should make trade-offs that are equitable since most budgets have choices of win-lose outcomes, showing how government revenues

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Principles of Economics The Theory of Consumer Choice Essay

Principles of Economics The Theory of Consumer Choice - Essay Example Other factors being constant, the higher price for gasoline will limit my buying opportunities for other products and services. Alternatively, higher gasoline prices will affect the prices of other products and services. Higher prices of other products will further affect my overall consumption, since I will be able to purchase smaller quantities of all products and services within a budget constraint that is this will have an income effect on my consumption, which will take me to a lower indifference curve. Since gasoline is a supplementary product to cars, my choice of a car will be directly affected by the expectations for changes in gas prices and by the gas consumption of the cars. A car that gets 7 miles per gallon will spend more than 14 gallons per 100 miles. A car that gets 25 miles per gallon is thrice more economical, spending 4 gallons per 100 miles. At the higher gas price ($2.25) the price difference of gasoline expenditure is $32 compared to $9 per 100 miles for the more economical car. Provided my budget remains constant, it will be financially justified to prefer the car that gets 25 miles per gallon.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Essay Example for Free

Critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Essay The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, came as a reaction to the dreadful damages of the Second World War. This declaration was built according to the fundamentals of equality. It lists us all of our rights, all of our freedoms and how we can express them freely. It was constructed on the basic fact of it being just, equal to all, and right. However, are all articles applicable on all of mankind? Or can some of these be questioned? Generally, all of these articles should be applicable for the majority of humans, but not all of them. There is always an exception to the rule. There is always an outlier that doesn’t follow the rules. Many countries have rejected or not signed this declaration, therefore this declaration isn’t pertinent everywhere. One can find a lot of exceptions for many articles. Article 1 states that all human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights, that they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Nonetheless, not all human beings are reasonable and conscious of everything they do. Take serial killers for example. Their acts prove of inhumanity. A man with reason and/or conscience would never do such a thing. Also, should we give unreasonable people the same rights as the ones reasonable people have? Should they have the same privilege as others even if they have no sense of reason or conscience? The United Nations General Assembly also mentioned the fact that people should act in a spirit of brotherhood. Look around you, what brotherhood? Is killing each other brotherhood? Is fighting and starting wars brotherhood? Is forgetting every moral and correct way of acting just to get to power brotherhood? A definite no is the correct answer to these questions. There are no signs of brotherhood around us. On the contrary, if one takes a close look to our surroundings and everything around us, humans, one will only notice nothing but signs of rivalry and opposition. Article 2 raises the issue of the fact that we’re all equal in terms of rights and freedoms without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Despite that, distinctions according to race, color, sex, religion, etc still exist in our modern society. Movements of racism, sexism, and religions distinctions still exist, but of course, lesser than before. People are still fighting and battling to erase these distinctions completely. This is a process every person looking for an equal and just world should follow. Article 5 states that no one shall be subjected to torture or to be cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. What about those who commit inhuman acts, those who torture other humans for the fun of it, don’t they deserve to have a taste of their own medicine? One should be treated the way one treats others. So if one tortures one another, that one shall be tortured or punished. Part 2 of article 15 articulates the fact that no one shall be deprived of his nationality. Well, what if that individual was involved in acts of high treason? What if that person turned his back on his country and denied his own nationality. That person definitely does not deserve to hold his nationality and shall be deprived from it immediately. Articles 18 and 19 talk about the fact that everyone is free to express their thoughts, opinions, religions. Some thoughts and opinions might actually harm others. Physically or mentally. In that way, it will refrain article 1. An example of such opinions/thoughts/religion would be Satanism and the Ku Klux Klan. These associations actions can damage others and hurt them. Therefore, these associations do not have the right to fully express themselves, but partially. They can only express the opinions/thoughts that do no harm to others. To sum things up, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is inconsistent; its articles are not always suitable. This declaration is not functional in all countries as some countries did not sign it. This declaration fails in its goal of it being universal; Exceptions can be found to some articles. Pieces of this declaration can be questioned for some precise individuals. It is not always applicable and it is not always a reliable document.