Monday, May 18, 2020

The Lucid Dreaming And How Can It Be A Method Of...

Introduction Those who experience lucid dreaming in the stage of REM sleep are aware of their dreams and able to control their dreams. Lucid dreaming could be a possible treatment for those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who suffer from nightmares. During lucid dreaming in a nightmare, the PTSD patients would be able to let go of their fear by recognizing the threats they have in their dreams are not real. PTSD patients can also transform their dreams into something more pleasant or try to wake up from their sleep. A case study proved this idea to be true; the reoccurring dreams the patients would experience were going away after they were introduced into lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming could be difficult to accomplish, but there are several techniques that can trigger lucid dreaming. For a period of time, researchers have been pondering and searching for ways to help those who suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. This topic is interesting to investigate lucid dreaming and how can it be a method of psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder. During this research, online, primary, and book resources were used. Therefore, this essay will deal with the following research question: How can lucid dreaming be used as a method of psychotherapy in those who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder? What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Post traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that is developed after experiencing a

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